Riccardo Soliani has a degree in Economics at the Università di Genova and a Ph.D. in Economics at the Università di Roma “La Sapienza”. He is a member of ESHET – European Society for the History of Economic Thought, Association Charles Gide pour l’étude de la pensée économique, STOREP – Società Italiana per la Storia
dell’Economia Politica, EAEPE- European Association for the Evolutionary Political Economy. Since June 2012 he is a member of the Scientific Council of the Association Charles Gide pour l’étude de la pensée économique. He is
referee for Economies et Sociétés, Cahiers d’économie politique, Journal of Social Sciences Studies and International Review of Social Sciences. He is the director of the series “Percorsi di scienze economiche e sociali” published by Impressioni Grafiche, Acqui Terme (AL). In Summer 2014 he joined the board of the Journal of Social Science Studies, published by Macrothink Institute, Nevada (USA). He is visiting professor at the Université de Tours (F) and Université de Strasbourg (F).He was the scientific coordinator of the Unit of Genova (“At the roots of classical political economy. Continental tradition from the age of Enlightment to the half of 19th century and the notion of subsistence”) of the national research project 2004 field 13 n.2004137339_006 “Manuscripts of Sraffa”, national scientific director Pierangelo Garegnani (later retired and replaced by Roberto Ciccone). He has been a member of the project “Libéralisme de la liberté versus libéralisme du bonheur. Genèse, fondements, applications” (1/12/2005 – 31/5/2008), directed by prof. R. Ege (Université de Strasbourg), financed by the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche du Ministère de la Recherche Scientifique en France. He participates to the research program ANR Saint -Simonism18-21, validated after a comparative evaluation and financed by the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche – French Minister of Sceintifica Research for the period October 2015 – October 2018. He is invited professor at the University of Lyon 2 (F) since 2015-16, where he teaches Italian economic thought from the xviii to the xx century. He is a member of the board of the PhD School in Economics, Department of Economics, University of Genova, Università di Genova, where he gives seminars on Compared economic theories. He is “professore di II fascia” (“associate professor”), sector SECS P/04 – History of economic thought and currently teaches History of economic thought, Economics and Macroeconomics at the School of Social Sciences – Department of Political Science and Department of Economics, University of Genova. Since 2015 he is a member of the scientific board of the Central Commission for the quality of education, University of Genova. Since 2016 he is the director of the degree in Political Science and Administration, School of Social Science, Department of Political Science, University of Genova.